The heart of the city
The meeting place, not without reason Wroclaw received this distinctive nickname. The heart of the city with a unique character is a great place for high-end office space and services. Historical Candy Market formerly located in the northern frontage attracted sublime connoisseurs. To this day, the neighborhood of Wroclaw Town Hall is a prestige location.
Excellent public transport network, the largest hubs such as John Paul II Square or Gallery Dominińańska 4 minutes of your location. What is more road infrastructure is well developed that provides easy access to any part of the city. Central location provides convenient access to all types of commercial and retail public centers, public utilities center and the full variety of cultural and entertainment Wroclaw. Without a doubt, Market 48 is an excellent landmark on the city map, enabling instant existence in the minds of its inhabitants.
Great opportunities of professional development and social entertainment
Rynek, 0m

Plac Solny, 200m

University of Wrocław, 400m

Wrocławski Teatr Współczesny, 400m

Galeria Dominikańska, 500m

Ostrów Tumski, 800m